

It’s not healthy for these people, as an example, to live at sea level. It just isn‘t. It is very important for them to be able to get to the high ground because they need the thinning out of the oxygen in order for them to be able to function correctly. When you think about how significant oxygen is, remember what we got to see when we were looking at the Internal. When we were looking at the Internal we got to see this progression of sensitivity as you move from the 1 to the 6. And again, you have the same thing. This is an evolutionary pattern, after all. We‘re moving out of the cave and eventually to the shores. It sort of sounds like Star Trek, or 2001 Space Odyssey when the caveman throws his bone in the sky and it becomes one of these space ships.

This is an evolutionary process. There is a sensitivity here that begins with moun- tains and it’s a sensitivity to the actual environment itself. In other words, this isn’t about whether you’re inside or outside, it is actually about oxygen. And it’s about thinning out oxygen. One of the things that‘s interesting about mountain people is that you‘re going to discover that mountain people are probably some of the heaviest smokers of people who smoke because one of the byproducts of nicotine and tobacco anyway is that it reduces the level of oxygen in the neo-cortex. And don‘t say that Ra recommended this because somebody will lynch me for it, but if you’re a 4 and you have to live at sea level and you have no other choice, I suggest you smoke a pack a day, because at least you‘ll reduce the oxygen in your brain. But that‘s really what the whole mountain thing is about.


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Oliver Statz
Oliver Statz

Oliver Statz ist ein persönlicher Schüler von Ra Uru Hu und zertifizierter Human-Design-Analytiker und Lehrer. Er lebt seit 1998 auf der Baleareninsel ibiza.

John Doe

John Doe

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